
Metro Announcements Posts

Archives for June 2021 « Recent Articles

Photo of Josh BaruchOffline

Hot weather & food safety

By Josh Baruch

Today's temperatures may hit 115°F today and the low 90s for the remainder of the week & weekend. Please take these extra food safety precautions.

Photo of Amy PowersOffline

Inclement weather & Emergency closures

By Amy Powers

Hi Partners! If your site has to close unexpectedly (due to inclement weather or another urgent reason), please let Oregon Food Bank know asap by emailing: emergencyresponse@oregonfoodbank.org This email list goes to a number of our Operations teams including Transportation and Inventory. Your email will also go to Ally, Carolina, Courtney, Diana, Jackie, and Jamie.

Photo of Courtney WrightOffline

Welcome Jackie and Morgan!

By Courtney Wright

Meet two of Oregon Food Bank's newest team members

Photo of Courtney WrightOffline

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