
OFB offers a variety of trainings open to partners and community members. Most are free of charge and open to anyone. Check out the menu below to see the type of training topics offered or submit your ideas in the comment box below. 

  • Root Causes of Hunger
  • Trauma Informed Approaches
  • Equity 101
  • Volunteer Management
  • Intercultural Communication
  • Conflict Resolution
  • Facilitation Skills

---------- Grouped Links ---------

numOfValidGroupedLinks: 11

Training: /home/link2feed/traning

In-Person Training: /home/link2feed/traning/inpersontraining

Self-Guided Training: /home/link2feed/traning/selfguidedtraining

Webinar Training: /home/link2feed/traning/webinartraining

Required Trainings: /home/partner_support/partnersupport/requiredtrainings

Partner Calendar: /home/partner_support/cal

Required Training: /home/rfbnetworkresources/network_resource_center/compliance/required_training

OFB Network Calendar: /home/rfbnetworkresources/ofb_network_calendar

Best Practices & Resources: /home/partner_support/partnersupport/bestpractices

FAQ's: /home/trainings/fundamentals/faqs~2

Fresh Alliance Traning:


-------------- Links -------------

numOfValidLinks: 0



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Viewed 11,571 times