Equity and Racial Justice
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Equity and Racial Justice
Welcome to the Equity and Racial Justice page. Here you will find links to resources and important updates.

Fulfill Your Equity Training Requirements with Recommended Partners
As a part of the contract with Oregon Food Bank, partner agencies are required to complete at least one hour of diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) training. Oregon Food Bank offers many wonderful trainings to support your learning. You can find a a calendar of all of OFB's trainings here.
Maybe you've been really working hard on your DEI training at your organization and are ready to do different trainings or you have a need for building a specific skill set. We have several trusted…

Network Equity & Racial Justice Training Menu
Working in a Food Bank or Pantry is tough work! With escalated clients, and team dynamics, and trying to recruit volunteers that reflect the community you serve, you may be wondering where you can get some help with your work?! The Network Equity and Racial Justice team is here to support your work. <3
One of the ways we can support your work is through workshops and trainings. Here is our training menu (PDF is also included below):

2025 Equity Community of Practice Program Overview
The Equity Community of Practice Program is a bi-weekly space intended to convene members of Regional Food Banks (RFB) and Partner Agencies (PA) in Oregon and SW Washington. This virtual space is intended to support participants in experiencing and building on skills that sustain themselves in their equity work and build a robust social network among our service area.
Over the course of 8 sessions, starting in April 2025, the Network Equity & Racial Justice (NERJ) team…

Staff & Volunteer Guidance for ICE/Law Enforcement Presence at Food D…
Template to Help Food Sites Establish Guidelines For Volunteers & Staff for ICE Presence
A word doc template to help RFBs and PAs to create their own guidelines for if ICE is present at their site. See the attached file, you can download a Word Doc that you can edit.

Know Your Rights Training & Resources
On behalf of the Network Equity and Racial Justice team, we wanted to provide resources to support your important community work addressing hunger, especially as we prepare for shifts in the political landscape.
Food Finder
Reminder: Oregon Food Bank’s Food Finder tool helps people find the pantries and meal sites closest to them. Having accurate hours and location information ensures neighbors experiencing hunger can find you. Please let us know if there needs to be any updates.

Spring 2024 Network Equity and Racial Justice Trainings
Join the Network Equity and Racial Justice team for shared learning each month on different topics.
STARTING WITH THE SELF | April 11, 2024 | 1:30-3:00 p.m.
Often equity work is seen as something we do “out there” or “with community.” In this session, we will create shared meanings for common words in equity work. We will understand our identities and how we’ve been socialized. We will reflect on the importance of self-accountability as a way to continuously grow in our understanding of ourselves.
FROM SELF TO STRUCTURE | May 7, 2024 | 1:30 – 3:00 p.m.
Building on learning from…
Better Together: A Guide to Engage Community Members Accessing Food Sites. Building on the Client Engagement Toolkit (first developed by Johnnie Shaver in 2019), this new version provides a conceptual grounding in trauma-informed practice and is chock full of practical ideas for partner agencies to implement.
On behalf of the Network Equity and Racial Justice Team, we are delighted to join you in a journey toward building a more equitable food system.
This toolkit was created to provide:
- Conceptual grounding in trauma-informed practice
- Practical ideas that can be implemented at food assistance sites
Who is this toolkit for?

February and March 2023 Trainings
February 15, 2023 | 1:30 – 3:00 p.m.
Client engagement is not a one and done activity. Continuous engagement helps to ensure that pantries and food banks are responsive to the needs of the communities they serve. In this session, we will demystify what client engagement can be and begin building plans and strategies to engage clients in shaping your pantry or food bank.

Network Equity & Racial Justice Team has some fancy new competencies!
An outline of the Justice, Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion competencies and practices that will increase equity within organizations in our network.
JEDI Knowledge & Commitment - ability to analyze systems, their effects, and a commitment to changing these systems - in-depth knowledge of histories and experiences of groups experiencing oppression | JEDI Practices Includes use of: - collaborative decision-making - transparency - equitable program design & evaluation -equitable facilitation -power sharing -creating… |

Equity-Focused Monthly Training Series
Training series for October, November, and December of 2022
See flyer below, please spread the word!

Fulfill Your Equity Training Requirements with Recommended Partners
As a part of the contract with Oregon Food Bank, partner agencies are required to complete at least one hour of diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) training. Oregon Food Bank offers many wonderful trainings to support your learning. You can find a a calendar of all of OFB's trainings here.
Maybe you've been really working hard on your DEI training at your organization and are ready to do different trainings or you have a need for building a specific skill set. We have several trusted…

Network Equity & Racial Justice Training Menu
Working in a Food Bank or Pantry is tough work! With escalated clients, and team dynamics, and trying to recruit volunteers that reflect the community you serve, you may be wondering where you can get some help with your work?! The Network Equity and Racial Justice team is here to support your work. <3
One of the ways we can support your work is through workshops and trainings. Here is our training menu (PDF is also included below):

2025 Equity Community of Practice Program Overview
The Equity Community of Practice Program is a bi-weekly space intended to convene members of Regional Food Banks (RFB) and Partner Agencies (PA) in Oregon and SW Washington. This virtual space is intended to support participants in experiencing and building on skills that sustain themselves in their equity work and build a robust social network among our service area.
Over the course of 8 sessions, starting in April 2025, the Network Equity & Racial Justice (NERJ) team…

Staff & Volunteer Guidance for ICE/Law Enforcement Presence at Food D…
Template to Help Food Sites Establish Guidelines For Volunteers & Staff for ICE Presence
A word doc template to help RFBs and PAs to create their own guidelines for if ICE is present at their site. See the attached file, you can download a Word Doc that you can edit.

Know Your Rights Training & Resources
On behalf of the Network Equity and Racial Justice team, we wanted to provide resources to support your important community work addressing hunger, especially as we prepare for shifts in the political landscape.
Food Finder
Reminder: Oregon Food Bank’s Food Finder tool helps people find the pantries and meal sites closest to them. Having accurate hours and location information ensures neighbors experiencing hunger can find you. Please let us know if there needs to be any updates.

Spring 2024 Network Equity and Racial Justice Trainings
Join the Network Equity and Racial Justice team for shared learning each month on different topics.
STARTING WITH THE SELF | April 11, 2024 | 1:30-3:00 p.m.
Often equity work is seen as something we do “out there” or “with community.” In this session, we will create shared meanings for common words in equity work. We will understand our identities and how we’ve been socialized. We will reflect on the importance of self-accountability as a way to continuously grow in our understanding of ourselves.
FROM SELF TO STRUCTURE | May 7, 2024 | 1:30 – 3:00 p.m.
Building on learning from…
Better Together: A Guide to Engage Community Members Accessing Food Sites. Building on the Client Engagement Toolkit (first developed by Johnnie Shaver in 2019), this new version provides a conceptual grounding in trauma-informed practice and is chock full of practical ideas for partner agencies to implement.
On behalf of the Network Equity and Racial Justice Team, we are delighted to join you in a journey toward building a more equitable food system.
This toolkit was created to provide:
- Conceptual grounding in trauma-informed practice
- Practical ideas that can be implemented at food assistance sites
Who is this toolkit for?

February and March 2023 Trainings
February 15, 2023 | 1:30 – 3:00 p.m.
Client engagement is not a one and done activity. Continuous engagement helps to ensure that pantries and food banks are responsive to the needs of the communities they serve. In this session, we will demystify what client engagement can be and begin building plans and strategies to engage clients in shaping your pantry or food bank.

Network Equity & Racial Justice Team has some fancy new competencies!
An outline of the Justice, Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion competencies and practices that will increase equity within organizations in our network.
JEDI Knowledge & Commitment - ability to analyze systems, their effects, and a commitment to changing these systems - in-depth knowledge of histories and experiences of groups experiencing oppression | JEDI Practices Includes use of: - collaborative decision-making - transparency - equitable program design & evaluation -equitable facilitation -power sharing -creating… |

Equity-Focused Monthly Training Series
Training series for October, November, and December of 2022
See flyer below, please spread the word!

Fulfill Your Equity Training Requirements with Recommended Partners
As a part of the contract with Oregon Food Bank, partner agencies are required to complete at least one hour of diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) training. Oregon Food Bank offers many wonderful trainings to support your learning. You can find a a calendar of all of OFB's trainings here.
Maybe you've been really working hard on your DEI training at your organization and are ready to do different trainings or you have a need for building a specific skill set. We have several trusted…

Network Equity & Racial Justice Training Menu
Working in a Food Bank or Pantry is tough work! With escalated clients, and team dynamics, and trying to recruit volunteers that reflect the community you serve, you may be wondering where you can get some help with your work?! The Network Equity and Racial Justice team is here to support your work. <3
One of the ways we can support your work is through workshops and trainings. Here is our training menu (PDF is also included below):

2025 Equity Community of Practice Program Overview
The Equity Community of Practice Program is a bi-weekly space intended to convene members of Regional Food Banks (RFB) and Partner Agencies (PA) in Oregon and SW Washington. This virtual space is intended to support participants in experiencing and building on skills that sustain themselves in their equity work and build a robust social network among our service area.
Over the course of 8 sessions, starting in April 2025, the Network Equity & Racial Justice (NERJ) team…
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