Fresh Alliance
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- Seasonal and Featured Foods
- TEFAP Basics
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- Equity and Racial Justice
Fresh Alliance Program Overview
Who are Fresh Alliance donors?
Fresh Alliance donors are grocery stores in Oregon and SW Washington that provide regularly scheduled donations to members of the Oregon Food Bank Network. Typically these are retail locations, though they may be distribution center locations as well. There are two broad categories of Fresh Alliance donors:
- National donors: Also sometimes called Feeding America or Blue Receipt donors, these grocery chains have locations across multiple states and have an agreement to prioritize Feeding America network members when distributing donations (including all RFBs & PAs in the OFB Network).
- Local donors: May be a stand-alone store or a smaller grocery chain with locations somewhere within the OFB Network's service area. These donors have an agreement (written or verbal) with OFB, an RFB, or a PA in our Network to provide regularly scheduled donations.
(see full list of donors here)
What is Fresh Alliance localization?
Fresh Alliance has transitioned to a fully localized model, in which 100% of Fresh Alliance food is picked up by Partner Agencies. Sometimes this is referred to as “retail agency direct (RAD)” or “agency-enabled”. This is a significant change from our previous approach, which centered around OFB picking this food up and bringing it back to our warehouse for sorting and distribution.
Why are we changing Fresh Alliance from a centralized model to a local model?
This transition lifts up our 10-year vision of A New Local Focus, by facilitating the kind of local relationships between Partner Agencies and donors that will strengthen community solutions to hunger. This also makes permanent some of the positive things we’ve seen as a result of our suspension of Fresh Alliance during the COVID-19 crisis, particularly the expansion of delivery to Partner Agencies. This allows us to serve communities more effectively and efficiently, by increasing Partner Agency capacity and moving more food to those who need it (especially produce!). We also believe this change increases quality of services to clients, by reducing the amount of time it takes to get a Fresh Alliance donation from the store to the pantry.
Interested in participating? Since our transition to direct partner agency pickups, we have been able to match partner agencies with nearly all of our 160+ partner stores. Periodically, stores become available, and we are working on engaging with more local grocers. All new applicants will join our waitlist - please complete this survey to get started!
Questions? Please reach out to, or 503.419.4165 x1126.
---------- Grouped Links ---------
numOfValidGroupedLinks: 16
Fresh Alliance Partner Agency Manual:
Temperature Log:
Thermometer Calibration Log:
Date Extension Posters - 5 Languages:
Meat Thawing Instructions - 6 Languages:
Fresh Alliance Partner Agency Agreement:
Registro de Calibración Semanal de los Termómetros:
Registro de Temperaturas:
Thermometer Type & Use Guide:
IR Thermometer User Guide (NEW):
ShelfLife Explainer (Eng):
Additional Posters & Translations:
Tub Washing Guide:
FA Donation Temping Instructions:
Donation Sorting Guide - printout English:
Donation Sorting Guide - printout Spanish:
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- Registro de Calibración Semanal de los Termómetros TrueFalse(True || !True && False)
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- Meat Thawing Instructions - 6 Languages TrueFalse(True || !True && False)
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- IR Thermometer User Guide (NEW) TrueFalse(True || !True && False)
- ShelfLife Explainer (Eng) TrueFalse(True || !True && False)
- Additional Posters & Translations TrueFalse(True || !True && False)
- Tub Washing Guide TrueFalse(True || !True && False)
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- Donation Sorting Guide - printout Spanish
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New FA Driver Training LINK:
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New Volunteer or Staff Training
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Banner donation guides
---------- Grouped Links ---------
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Albertsons-Safeway 2022:
Costco Food Donation SOP:
Kroger (guidelines):
Kroger (store posters):
Smart Foodservice (US Chef Store):
Trader Joe's:
WinCo Donation SOP:
Costco (Meat):
Costco (Deli):
Costco (Produce):
Costco (Bakery):
Costco (Cafe):
WinCo Donation Guide:
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Reporting Homepage for OFB Partner Agencies:
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- Partner Agencies
- Agency Contact Info Center
- Agency Food Safety, Fresh Alliance and Poster Requ…
- Best Practices & Resources
- Community Food Systems
- Community Philanthropy
- Double Up Food Bucks
- Education Programs
- Immigration
- Logs, Forms, Postings, Manuals & Documents
- Fresh Alliance
- Free Food Market
- Reporting
- Required Trainings
- School Pantries
- Seasonal and Featured Foods
- TEFAP Basics
Fresh Alliance Materials Request (tubs / receipts)
Please email: using the subject line "Fresh Alliance Materials Request" for any items that are needed. In your request, please include:
- The quantity of FA Tubs, and/or the quantity of receipts (either 1 or 1/2 box. up to 2 boxes may be requested by RFBs ONLY at this time)
- The date for the delivery you would like the materials to be included in
- Or, the date you would like to pick materials up at one of the OFB facilities
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