Food System Grants

Food System Grants

This page is a compilation of grants to support community food systems work.  This is by no means a comprehensive list.  If you have other grant opportunities to share please email Katy at

Oregon Community Foundation (OCF) Community Grant Program ( In response to the COVID-19 crisis, OCF is mobilizing and deploying resources through discretionary dollars, donor-advised funds and pooled community funds to rapidly deploy resources where they are needed most. Visit their website for a full list of grant opportunities.

MRG Foundation Critical Response Grants ( )  Their Rapid Response grants program is designed to provide grassroots organizations and community organizing projects, with rapidly deployed small grants to respond to emergencies and opportunities.  Critical Response grants: Maximum of $2,000 for immediate and critical needs. For example, community gatherings/meetings in response to local or national events or emergencies; unexpected challenges within the organization, such as an executive transition; or unique and timely opportunities, such as participating in a conference or urgent direct action. Rolling Basis 

Oregon Community Foundation Small Business Stabilization Grants (  Oregon Small Business Stabilization Grants support nonprofit organizations in Oregon that provide loans or grants to small businesses particularly affected by the outbreak of COVID-19. Small businesses are not eligible to receive grants. Rolling Basis

Farmer Relief Fund (                              American Farmland Trust’s Farmer Relief Fund will award farmers with cash grants of up to $1,000 each to help them weather the current storm of market disruptions caused by the coronavirus crisis.  Initially, eligible applicants include any small and mid-size direct-market producers. These are defined as producers with annual gross revenue of between $10,000 and $1 million from sales at farmers markets and/or direct sales to restaurants, caterers, schools, stores, or makers who use farm products as inputs.

Oregon Immigrant and Refugee Funders Collaborative             ( ) This partnership between The Collins Foundation, Meyer Memorial Trust, MRG Foundation, The Oregon Community Foundation and Pride Foundation creates a coordinated and nimble funding approach to address issues of immigration and refugees in the state and supports local organizations responding to these issues. Learn about this year-round opportunity here and then visit the website for a downloadable common application.

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