Community Food Assessments

Community Food Assessments

Oregon Food Bank’s grassroots Community Food Assessment model is grounded in an intentional, community-based data gathering process that combines social research methods and community organizing principles to create a living document that inspires change.

Oregon Food Bank partners with the Resource Assistance for Rural Environments (RARE) AmeriCorps program to place 11 month AmeriCorps members with local host organizations* in rural counties throughout Oregon. These positions provide rural communities with graduate-level AmeriCorps members who can complete projects aimed at developing long-term solutions to hunger.

*Host organizations have included Regional Food Banks, Economic Development Districts, Community Development Corporations, community-based non-profits, Community Action Agencies and Oregon State University Extension. Through placement with local organizations (rather than as a remote Oregon Food Bank staff member), we are also supporting capacity development of our partner organizations, which will ensure that projects continue beyond the AmeriCorps members’ term.

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