OFB Remote Branch Reporting Resources
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OFB Remote Branch Reporting Resources
On this page you can find reporting information and resources specific to Oregon Food Bank's three remote branches in The Dalles, Ontario, and Tillamook.
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CGFB Sign-In Sheet (printable PDF): https://drive.google.com/file/d/1Dsh881P1MJz0N5D64COIqHCRJiER8Kvz/view?usp=sharing
OFB-SOS Sign-In Sheet (printable PDF): https://drive.google.com/file/d/1xBW4O0arAEhe2ic7r4DQTY1EesIpvWgC/view?usp=sharing
OFB-TCS Sign-In Sheet (printable PDF): https://drive.google.com/file/d/1HCmSFSJF0mXq2SBraNisVEAUYeKu3rtA/view?usp=sharing
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- TrueFalse(True || !True && False)https://drive.google.com/file/d/1Dsh881P1MJz0N5D64COIqHCRJiER8Kvz/view?usp=sharing1
- CGFB Sign-In Sheet (printable PDF) TrueFalse(True || !True && False)https://drive.google.com/file/d/1xBW4O0arAEhe2ic7r4DQTY1EesIpvWgC/view?usp=sharing1
- OFB-SOS Sign-In Sheet (printable PDF) TrueFalse(True || !True && False)https://drive.google.com/file/d/1HCmSFSJF0mXq2SBraNisVEAUYeKu3rtA/view?usp=sharing1
- OFB-TCS Sign-In Sheet (printable PDF)
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CGFB Sign-In Sheet (printable PDF): https://drive.google.com/file/d/1Dsh881P1MJz0N5D64COIqHCRJiER8Kvz/view?usp=sharing
OFB-SOS Sign-In Sheet (printable PDF): https://drive.google.com/file/d/1xBW4O0arAEhe2ic7r4DQTY1EesIpvWgC/view?usp=sharing
OFB-TCS Sign-In Sheet (printable PDF): https://drive.google.com/file/d/1HCmSFSJF0mXq2SBraNisVEAUYeKu3rtA/view?usp=sharing
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