Monthly Service Statistics Reporting

Monthly Service Statistics Reporting

Active OFB Partner Agencies are required to submit service statistics reports every month. Reports are due by the 10th of the following month. To submit a report, either click here or click the green 'Order Online' button at the top of the screen. Once logged in, go to the Statistics tab to submit your report.

For information on exceptions to this reporting requirement, please see the 'When am I Required to Report?' flowchart linked below.

If we do not receive a report from your organization by the reporting deadline, you will receive an overdue notice via email. You may find it useful to set recurring calendar events for the 10th of every month so you don't fall behind on reporting.

Please contact Jackie Liang (P&P Data Analyst) at for help with any of the following:

  • Agency login information
  • General reporting questions and troubleshooting
  • Help editing or deleting an incorrect or incomplete report
  • Scheduling a brief training session

You are always welcome to contact with questions or to receive support, but please do not send your reports here.


April 8th, 2023 - WEB PORTAL UPGRADE: OFB has upgraded our inventory software which includes the web portal where agencies order food and submit monthly statistics reports. Please see the Upgrading to P2: What to Expect document to learn more. You can find updated step-by-step reporting instructions below. Please be sure to bookmark the **NEW** PWW Portal login page:

April 17th, 2023 - AGENCIES CAN RUN THEIR OWN REPORTS: Do you need a copy of your monthly statistics data for a given time period? You no longer need to print or save a PDF of the report in a funky format! Go to the new Reports tab of your PWW portal and run the report called "Monthly Statistics Detail Report"! See step-by-step instructions linked below under the "Utilizing Your Data" section.

May 31st, 2023 - INSTRUCTIONS FOR REPORTING USING PHONE OR TABLET: The layout of the PWW portal is slightly different if using a phone or tablet. The instructions linked below have been updated to show how to find the "Statistics" tab using phone view.

---------- Grouped Links ---------

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Statistics Categories Explained:

Why this Data Matters:

Explicación de las categorías de estadísticas:

Por qué estos datos importan:


-------------- Links -------------

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Understanding the Data

Resources to understand what OFB is asking you to report and why.

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Data Tracking Forms:

Formularios de seguimiento de datos:


-------------- Links -------------

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Templates to help agencies record and keep track of service statistics data throughout the month. Download a copy for agency use.

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Monthly Statistics Reporting Instructions:

Instrucciones para el informe estadístico mensual:

VIDEO: Monthly Statistics Reporting Instructions:

VÍDEO instructivo para el informe estadístico mensual:

When am I Required to Report? (flowchart):

PWW Portal Reporting FAQ:


-------------- Links -------------

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Step-by-step guides to submitting monthly statistics reports on the PWW web portal.

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Generate Your Own Monthly Statistics Detail Report:

How to Print or Save Monthly Stats Reports:

Cómo generar un informe estadístico mensual detallado:

Cómo imprimir o guardar su informe estadístico mensual como un archivo PDF:


-------------- Links -------------

numOfValidLinks: 0



Instructions and other materials to help agencies access and utilize their raw data.

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Viewed 4,421 times