OFB FEAST Support Fund Applications Open!
FEAST (Food, Education, Agriculture, Solutions Together) Support Fund is a statewide grant program to support community conversations about food that lead to local action. Through this 15 month program, Oregon Food Bank supports local leadership teams to plan and hold FEAST conversations in their community. From those conversations, communities identify and lead projects that help strengthen their food system and build community food security. FEAST Support Fund grants are up to $10,000 and cover event, project, and barrier mitigation costs. Interested applicants should fill out this form and/or contact Adriana Cvitkovic 971-223-3359
, acvitkovic@ oregonfoodbank.org) directly. Applications due September 15, 2024.
FEAST gives preference to immigrant and refugee communities, Black, Indigenous, and communities of color, trans and gender expansive communities, single mothers or caregivers, and rural communities.
An info session about FEAST will be held August 7th, 5:30pm on Zoom.
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