Partner Agency News Read about important updates & opportunities for OFB partners. Sign up others to receive the newsletter. |
Guidance on COVID-19/Coronavirus |
Oregon Food Bank is closely monitoring the available information about the COVID-19/Coronavirus.
At this point, there is no immediate action needed by Oregon Food Bank partner agencies. OFB is participating in planning conversations with a number of state agencies, and tracking Feeding America's efforts. We will provide regular updates as more information becomes available.
We encourage Partner Agencies to follow the guidance of the Oregon Health Authority regarding precautionary measures to prevent the spread of any virus. These include:
- Washing hands with soap and water for at least 20 seconds
- Avoid touching eyes, nose and mouth
- If you are sick (including volunteers), stay home to avoid spreading germs
- Cover your mouth and nose with a tissue or sleeve when coughing/sneezing
Taking additional steps to sanitize your program space is also recommended - such as providing hand sanitizer, disinfecting surfaces and shopping carts more frequently, etc.
Should anything change, especially regarding OFB operations, we will use the Send Word Now emergency communication system to share significant updates.
Please don't hesitate to reach out to your Regional Network Developer with additional questions. |
TEFAP Changes Information Session |
For TEFAP agencies only (those who receive weekly USDA/TEFAP allocations)
As announced last month, the Oregon Food Bank Network of regional food banks recently approved updates to The Emergency Food Assistance Program (TEFAP).
We are hosting an optional information session for TEFAP partners to ask questions about these changes. No need to RSVP.
- Wednesday, March 18th, 2-4pm at OFB Metro Services (7900 NE 33rd Dr.)
- Regional Network Developers, Compliance Team and OFB's Sourcing & Operations Strategist (aka our TEFAP guru Gretchen) will all be on hand to answer questions.
Clackamas County PAs can contact Courtney Wright until a new Clackamas RND is hired. |
This week in Census work: Volunteers! |
Time for your weekly Census check-in!
Communities that experience hunger often don't get counted. When folks aren't counted, our communities don't receive the resources we need. The census determines access to funding for infrastructure like roads, schools and hospitals, and important programs like SNAP, WIC, Section 8 and Medicaid. Oregon is also poised to gain an additional seat in the House of Representatives.
Here are three ways to engage in Census work:
- Volunteers! Host volunteers at your agency to assist in Census support! OFB is recruiting and training volunteers to answer clients' questions about the Census, promote pledge cards, and help clients fill out their census form online. If you'd like to have volunteers at your site helping with Census outreach, please fill out this form so we can get all the info we need for scheduling.
- Pledge cards! There's also still time to collect pledge cards from clients! Pledge cards are simply a card you fill out to yourself, promising you'll take the 2020 Census - and then it's mailed back to you in April as a reminder! Simple, yet effective. OFB has created these pledge cards, which are available in multiple languages, for you to share with your program participants. Request pledge cards here!
- Learn more at this Friday's Census 101 Training hosted at Virginia Garcia Hillsboro. Register today!
New Internal Website Coming! |
Coming to a website near you on March 13th - our new and improved website for partners, replacing Inside the Network! [pause for applause]
Resources, forms, postings and lots more information will be available to access without logging in. Your order website (Primarius Web Window) will not change, but you will have access to more features like a self-update for contact information for your agency. A calendar of all OFB events and trainings will be available on the main page as well. Your access from will not change.
We'll let you know when it's live, but we're here to support if you have any questions! |
OFB Job Opening
Oregon Food Bank is hiring a Digital Communications and Engagement Manager.
As the Manager of Digital Communications & Engagement you bring proven experience creating strategies and content that fuel successful digital campaigns. In this role, you’ll work with a talented team of communications and marketing professionals to develop and implement projects that connect with communities and drive action to end hunger.
With support from the Digital Analytics Specialist, you will coordinate all aspects of the organization’s digital, SMS and social media strategies. You will collaborate with our program, development and advocacy teams, as well as related vendors, to develop a constituent ladder of engagement — writing clear, compelling and targeted content that draws in new audiences and deepens the involvement of existing supporters.
| New Free Food Market at PCC SE!
We're excited to share that we've added a Free Food Market to the SE 82nd area.
Portland Community College Southeast will be starting a Free Food Market on the 1st Thursday of each month from 1:30-3:30 PM, starting on Thursday March 5.
Please feel free to share with anyone you think may be interested.
Fundraising: Developing your Plan
When: March 31st, 9am to 11am at OFB 33rd Drive (7900 NE 33rd Drive Portland, OR) Cost: FREE
Join us for a two hour training on how to create a development plan that keeps you on track for fundraising success. About the Trainer: Sally Dadmun-Bixby is the team leader at Philanthropy Studio, consulting on fundraising, leadership development, and nonprofit management. She also teaches in the WVDO Fundraising Certificate program.
Who Can Sign Up: This training is open to anyone working or volunteering at an Oregon Food Bank partner.