Partner Agency News Read about important updates & opportunities for OFB partners. Sign up others to receive the newsletter. |
Stay updated on all COVID-19 information |
Please visit OFB's new partner website for all information on COVID-19 updates. Click here!
You can also explore all of the new features of the site, which is replacing Inside the Network. We had planned a grand rollout, but a few other matters are pulling our attention elsewhere. (Humor in times of stress is important!)
You'll be able to place your order through this site as usual. When you get to the order page, we suggest following the link that says " Click here to open Orders in a Full Window" as ordering in the smaller window is not as efficient.
Please also continue to keep us updated on your operations using this form. You can continually make updates as your situation changes. Please err on the side of more info than less, even if it's to say nothing is changing!
Most importantly, thank you for your continued work and dedication in this uncertain moment. Whether your site is remaining open or has closed, we know neither is a decision you've taken lightly. We're in this together, and together we know we will all Emerge Stronger!
Social Distancing at Your Site |
If you haven’t already, we encourage your organization to adopt social distancing practices that will allow you to maintain services, while prioritizing the health and safety of your staff, volunteers, and clients. We’d like to emphasize that social distancing efforts are not intended to negatively impact food access in the Metro area. Attempts to halt this pandemic may exacerbate food insecurity, especially for those most vulnerable.
Our recommendation is to immediately begin the following in ways that work within your community:
- Maintain 6 feet between people (get creative with waiting spaces indoors and out, avoid forming physical lines, etc.)
- Stop walk-through style shopping, move to a food box model: Minimize the number of people coming in contact with food (take orders and bring them to people where they are waiting, touch food as few times as possible, etc.)
- Meal Sites - new information: Today Governor Brown announced all restaurants stop serving patrons in person and only offer to-go options, as well as called for gatherings of no more than 25 people. We strongly encourage you to move to a to-go model for your meals. We are looking into sourcing containers for you, but at the time of sending this email, do not have a decision on that request.
- Provide each person with as much food as you are able to reduce their need to return (ideally 2+ weeks of food if possible)
- Do not touch your face, wash your hands often and between each interaction (soap and water are preferable but hand sanitizer is an acceptable alternative when soap and water are not available). Soap and hand sanitizer are the only handwashing methods you may employ - other chemicals such as clorox wipes or bleach water are not appropriate for use on hands.
Important temporary TEFAP waivers |
For TEFAP agencies only (those who receive weekly USDA/TEFAP allocations)
The signature requirement for Form 4 has been temporarily waived. Clients can now verbally declare their eligibility for the program. Recipient agencies may have volunteers complete the paperwork on behalf of the client and utilize a verbal acknowledgement that the information gathered is correct and that they attest to the uniform eligibility requirements. Link2Feed sites, watch for information with more guidance coming soon. |
Tentative Trainings & Events |
Fundraising: Developing your Plan
When: March 31st, 9am to 11am - online! Cost: FREE
Join us for a two hour training on how to create a development plan that keeps you on track for fundraising success. About the Trainer: Sally Dadmun-Bixby is the team leader at Philanthropy Studio, consulting on fundraising, leadership development, and nonprofit management. She also teaches in the WVDO Fundraising Certificate program.
Who Can Sign Up: This training is open to anyone working or volunteering at an Oregon Food Bank partner.