April 20, 2020
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Please review this risk mitigation checklist for food facilities created by the ODA.
For additional resources visit:
What are we required to do?
Our responsibilities are outlined in Governor Kate browns “Stay Home, Save Lives” Executive Order No. 20-12.
We are required, under section 10, to designate an officer to develop and enforce social distancing procedures consistent with guidance from the Oregon Health Authority. If you have not developed a system to ensure that people accessing food from your facility remain 6 feet apart at all times, and designated an individual to enforce that system, you are in violation of Order No. 20-12 and could be shut down under section 11.
How do we implement social distancing at our facilities?
The ODA has created some useful guidance that outlines your requirements as an employer. It includes:
Information on social distancing officers and their responsibilities in your facility
How to establish protocols
What a plan should include, and
Additional recommendations
What do we do in the instance of a suspected, or confirmed case of a COVID at our facility?
Reach out to your local health department for guidance early. We need to prepare for this as if it were an inevitability. The best way to do that is to focus on prevention and solid implementation of social distancing plans, elevated cleaning regiments and staff health and safety protocols.
Here are key steps to take now:
Develop a strategy of what to do if a staff person has COVID-19 related symptoms. See this sample policy provided by the ODA .
Reach out proactively to your local health authority to build a relationship, follow their (OHA’s) guidance. (they are the authority that will be able to authorize you to continue to operate)
Up your cleaning protocols proactively. Increase your sanitizing of high touch surfaces.
Implement, document and follow social distancing practices.
Leslie Bacho CEO of Second Harvest Silicon Valley talks about their experience navigating a positive COVID-19 case. Please follow this link to listen - their part starts 18 minutes in.
How and when do we report a case of COVID-19?
The OHA has adopted rules adding COVID-19 to the list of reportable diseases Note: confirmed and suspected cases should not be reported directly to local health authorities, the lab conducting testing will forward results.
Local public health administrators will investigate and carry out the appropriate control measures in accordance with ORS 333-19-0000. See below:
(1) The local public health administrator shall use all reasonable means to investigate in a timely manner all reports of reportable diseases, infections, or conditions. To identify possible sources of infection and to carry out appropriate control measures, the local public health administrator shall investigate each report following procedures outlined in the Authority's Investigative Guidelines or other procedures approved by the Authority. The Authority may provide assistance in these investigations.
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