ServSafe for Food Banking


Instructions for accessing the ServSafe Food for Food Banking Video

  1. Go to the Food Bank Online Companion Instructional Video Homepage
  2. Enter the following username: Oregon Food Bank
  3. Copy and paste the following video key: 11i0-Y7b8-K95B-6In5
  4. Click "View Food Bank Online Companion Instructional Video"
  5. Click "Start the Food Bank Online Companion Instructional Video"

Instructions for taking and submitting the ServSafe for Food Banking test

The ServSafe for Food Banking test is self-administered:

  1. Download or print the test: Click this link, then click the download OR printer icon in the upper right corner (Please do not use this test as your score sheet.)
  2. Print answer form: Click this link, then click the printer icon in the upper right corner
  3. Fill out answer form, including your name, agency name and agency number and return it to OFB or your Regional Food Bank using the chart below:

    Agencies that partner directly with an OFB Branch:
    All other agencies (not directly partnered with OFB):
    • Scan and email to

    • Drop it off at the front desk of any OFB branch

    • Metro area PAs can mail to: 
      Metro & Washington County Services
      7900 NE 33rd Dr. 
      Portland, OR 97211
    • Contact your Regional Food Bank for submission instructions.

    • Please do not send to Oregon Food Bank

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