Good evening RFB staff,
We wanted to alert you to possible foreign material in Product Code #21420- Fajita Mix (please see attached photos) received beginning on March 15.
If you have this product please take the following steps:
1. Please respond and confirm that you have received this email.
2.Notify PAs who have received product and instruct them to isolate and clearly label with RECALL:DO NOT DISTRIBUTE and instruct PAs to hold product until further instruction.
3. Isolate the product in your warehouse and label with RECALL DO NOT DISTRIBUTE
4. Hold product until we reach out with further instructions shortly.
5. A flier will be available shortly to post for PAs who have distributed this product to notify clients
Auzeen Rasaie (She, her, hers) | Network Compliance Manager| OREGON FOOD BANK | 503.419.4163|arasaie@oregonfoodbank.org |
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